
 I was never a picky kid, since little I was raised with home-cooked food since I was a baby. But now I have this thing that if I eat too much of one thing, even if it´s one day a week, I get so bored that I feel nauseous or disgusted by that food to the level of wanting to puke. It happened with smashed potatoes, with yougurts (My parent told me that when I was a baby, I could eat yougurt all day) then with cooked fish and then even with McDonalds burgers.

But the one food I can´t get bored with, is the lasagna cooked by my father. It´s not even that gourmet because I don´t even like much the lasagna cooked by restaurants. I think the reason is because the home cooked lasagna is simplier, with less condiments, but I´m still not sure if that´s the reason.

Either way, I think I haven´t eaten it for 4 years by now, but damn I really want to. I used to eat it almost every 2 weeks!
